Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Joe In His New Life Jacket

What a great day!

Finally we took the boat out to the lake so that I could try it out. The walk-thru is great for me and I like to lay down in front of it when we're zooming across the water so I can see out the back. And I...ahem...have gained a little weight so I got a brand new life jacket! I have so much fun in the water and I can't wait to go swimming some more.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Joe in Spring Training

What a great day!

Mom told me that I'll be running in the Hound Dog Hustle in April, so we've started our training. I love everything about going to the park, especially now that it stays light later. There are so many really good smells on the ground and in the air. You can see that my favorite way to take walks is to hold my own leash, but Mom and Dad insist on holding the other end too.

Look at how fast I'm going in this picture - the ground is just flying by! The race is only a 1K and I do a slow walk of more than that each day. I'm so ready to show those young pups that us old dogs still got it!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008

Joe and His New Boat!

What a great day! Dad bought me a boat!!! :)

I haven't gotten to go to the lake on the boat yet - Mom and Dad say they want to be sure they know what they are doing before they bring me with them.

That's ok though because everytime Dad works on the boat he lets me get up there with him and I really like that. I stretch out on the sunbathing deck and work on my sun tan - dogs do that you know.

I love to feel the warm sunshine on my face. And really it feels good on my old bones too.

See how alert I am? The squirrels and birds were making a lot of noise when they saw me outside. They knew better than to come close though because I was ready for them!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Joe and His Suntan

What a great day!

The weather is warm here right now and I had the chance to go lay outside and work on my tan. Some people think that we are this color naturally, but I'll let you in on a little secret - we have to get out in the sun just like people do - BOL!!!

The warm sunlight did make me sleepy and I lay my head on the flower pot for a quick little dognap. Mom wasn't fast enough to get that picture though....

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Joe the Ninja Golden

What a great night!

Dad had to run to the store, so I went along to keep Mom company in the truck. This picture is me doing my 007, Ninja Golden immitation. With me there to protect her Mom was not afraid! Don't I look like an international spy? The streets are much safer when I'm on duty!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Joe and Dirty Feet

What a great day!

Mom, Dad and I played chase around the room before bed tonight. Somehow I must've gotten some really dirty feet though because I really had to work to get them clean. I kept hearing "no Joe" when I tried to lick them clean, but then I would sneak and lick them anyway.